Note: This page describes the software funding from the University of Washington NS-3 Consortium which is no longer operating, and this page is for historical reference.

The Consortium funded the following software development activities:

In 2021-22, we funded WiGig module maintenance via maintainer Sebastien Deronne. The outcome of this work was the WiGig module in the ns-3 app store.

  • initial phase (through Sept. 2021): Progress report
  • second phase (initiated Oct. 2021): Port WiGig classes to new architecture, add DMG PHY entity, add DMG MAC FEM.

In 2020, we funded ns-3 wifi module maintenance via maintainer Sebastien Deronne. The work was conducted in two phases, as summarized in the following reports:

We have also funded website development and content migration for the main web site.

The previously organized ns-3 Consortium (which ran from 2012-2018) funded the following.