This page recognizes those individuals and organizations who have provided services or funding to support the open source project.
Organizations who wish to support ns-3 are encouraged to join the ns-3 Consortium.
Federal funding
ns-3 received community infrastructure development awards from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). Several collaborative awards were granted, but the lead awards were made to the University of Washington:
- CNS-0551686: CRI: Developing the Next Generation Open Source Network Simulator ns-3 (2006-10),
- CNS-0958139: CI-ADDO-EN: Frameworks for ns-3 (2010-15), and
- CNS-2016379: CCRI: ENS: Collaborative Research: ns-3 Network Simulation for Next-Generation Wireless.
In addition, the ns-3 development at Inria Sophia Antipolis was funded by the French government.
Programs and services
Git hosting is provided by the Open Source Program at GitLab.com.
Website hosting is provided by Georgia Tech and the University of Washington.
The Free/Open Source Project of MacStadium provides a Mac for regression testing.
GlobalSign provides the project with SSL certificates.
USC ISI and Google Forums provide the mailing lists.
Google Summer of Code provides funding stipends to participating organizations.
Annual meeting hosts
Since 2013, the following organizations have hosted and supported the project’s annual meeting:
- 2013: Inria Sophia Antipolis
- 2014: Georgia Tech
- 2015: CTTC
- 2016: University of Washington
- 2017: INESC TEC
- 2018: NITK Surathkal
- 2019: DINFO, Firenze University
- 2020-2022: (online Zoom meeting)
Google Summer of Code mentors
Many Google Summer of Code mentors have voluntarily donated their mentoring stipends to the project. Prior to 2014, this was done on a voluntary basis, and since 2014, the project has requested mentors to donate their stipends.
2013 and earlier
- CTTC mentoring team (Nicola Baldo, Marco Miozzo) for GSoC 2012
- CTTC mentoring team (Nicola Baldo, Marco Miozzo, Manuel Requena, and Jaime Ferragut) for GSoC 2013
- Daniel Camara
- Joe Kopena
- Tommaso Pecorella
- Josh Pelkey
- Guillaume Rémy
- Nicola Baldo
- Marco Miozzo
- Tom Henderson
- Tommaso Pecorella
- Dave Taht
- Nicola Baldo
- Marco Miozzo
- Tom Henderson
- Vedran Miletic
- Tommaso Pecorolla
- Peter Barnes
- Tom Henderson
- Tommaso Pecorella
- Biljana Bojovic
- Mohit Tahiliani
- Stefano Avallone
- Tom Henderson
- Tommaso Pecorella
- Mohit Tahiliani
- Dizhi Zhou
- Matthieu Coudron
- Tom Henderson
- Tommaso Pecorella
- Mohit Tahiliani
- Abhijith Anilkumar
- Ankit Deepak
- Vivek Jain
- Natale Patriciello