News & Events
ns-3.41 released
The ns-3.41 release has been published. This release provides a new cellular MIMO antenna model, additional Wi-Fi model upgrades for the Wi-Fi 7 standard, and LR-WPAN improvements, among many other small feature improvements and bug fixes.
ns-3 GSoC program concludes
Yesterday, we formally concluded our 2023 Google Summer of Code program. We were fortunate to be able to mentor three successful projects and students, whose final reports are posted on our wiki
ns-3.40 released
The ns-3.40 release has been published. This release provides additional Wi-Fi model upgrades for the Wi-Fi 7 standard, and new energy models and LR-WPAN improvements, among many other small feature improvements and bug fixes.
ns-3.39 released
The ns-3.39 release has been published. This release provides additional Wi-Fi model upgrades for Wi-Fi 6 and 7 standards, IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN orphan scan support, and propagation loss model extensions for building penetration losses, among many other feature improvements and bug fixes.
ns-3 GSoC selections announced
Three students will work with the ns-3 project for the 2023 Google Summer of Code!
ns-3.38 released
The ns-3.38 release has been published. This release provides Wi-Fi model upgrades for Wi-Fi 6 and 7 standards, IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN model upgrades, a new fast-fading model for cellular (LTE) simulations, and a new ping application, among many other feature improvements and bug fixes.
ns-3.37 released
The ns-3.37 release has been published. This release provides IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN model upgrades, new 3GPP-based propagation loss models, a new Python bindings framework, and a coding style update, among many other feature improvements and bug fixes.
Annual meeting wrapup
Over two hundred registered attendees attended the 14th annual Workshop on ns-3, ns-3 tutorial sessions, and a small hackathon. The meeting was organized by the ns-3 Consortium, which held its annual plenary meeting on June 24.
ns-3 GSoC selections announced
Three students will work with the ns-3 project for the 2022 Google Summer of Code!
ns-3.36 released
The ns-3.36 release has been published. This release provides a number of small feature improvements (IPv6 support for NixVectorRouting, a group mobility helper, improvements to the Wi-Fi 802.11ax support, and extensions to the planar array antenna model), among various other bug fixes and small improvements.
WNS3 deadline extended to 02/25
The deadline for paper submissions to the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) 2022 has been extended to Friday February 25th (firm), due to the change to a fully virtual event.
ns-3.35 released
The ns-3.35 release has been published. This release provides a number of small feature improvements (IPv6 support for NixVectorRouting, a group mobility helper, improvements to the Wi-Fi 802.11ax support, and extensions to the planar array antenna model), among various other bug fixes and small improvements.
DCE 1.11 released
Release 1.11 of Direct Code Execution (DCE) has been published. This is the last maintenance release for the Ubuntu 16.04 distribution; the next release 1.12 will provide Ubuntu 20.04 compatibility. Roadmap
ns-3 GSoC program concludes
Three students successfully completed Google Summer of Code with the ns-3 project:
- Parth Pratim Chatterjee, Direct Code Execution Modernization
- Ameya Deshpande, IPv6 Nix-Vector Routing
- Akshit Patel, Add logging support to Simulation Execution Manager (SEM)
ns-3.34 released
The ns-3.34 release is now available, featuring a significantly refactored and improved Wi-Fi MAC and PHY design, enabling both 802.11ax uplink and downlink OFDMA models and a multi-user OFDMA scheduler. ns-3.34 also contains a new phased array model, a new TCP congestion control model, and more. Find out more about ns-3.34 on its release page.
ns-3 selected for Google Summer of Code
We are pleased to again be selected for Google Summer of Code, our 12th year in the program. Student applications are due by April 13. More information about ns-3 and GSoC can be found on our wiki page.
ns-3.33 released
The ns-3.33 release is now available, due to contributions from twenty three authors. ns-3.33 contains the following new features:
- TCP CUBIC congestion control, and alignment of ECN handling with Linux behavior
- New error models for Wi-Fi, based on link simulation results
- A channel condition model for vehicular scenarios
WNS3 2021 Call for Papers
The project will be holding its next annual meeting virtually during the week of June 21, 2021. The Workshop on ns-3 Call for Papers is posted; the paper submission deadline is (extended to) March 8, 2021.
ns-3 joins SPI
ns-3 has joined Software in the Public Interest (SPI) as an Associated Project.
ns-3.32 released
The ns-3.32 release is now available, due to contributions from twenty nine authors. ns-3.32 contains the following new features:
- TCP models for Reno congestion control and dynamic pacing aligned with the Linux TCP implementation
- New options and alignment with the RFC for the PIE queue disc model
- Extensions to ns-3 emulation to support netmap and DPDK
ns-3 GSoC program concludes
Four students successfully completed Google Summer of Code with the ns-3 project:
- Shivamani Patil, App Store Improvements
- Ananthakrishnan S, NetDevice up/down consistency and event chain
- Bhaskar Kataria, SCE AQMs and TCP along with CNQ-CodelAF and LFQ
- Deepak K, TCP Prague model for ns-3
NSF awards ns-3 wireless project
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a community research infrastructure (CRI) program to the University of Washington and the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech).
ns-3.31 released
The ns-3.31 release is now available, due to contributions from forty-eight authors. ns-3.31 is the first mainline release in nearly a year, and contains several new features, including:
- Models for pathloss, chanel condition, fast fading, and antenna arrays based on the 3GPP TR 38.901 model
- A Data Center TCP (DCTCP) model
ns-3 NSoC students announced
Two additional summer projects have been organized as part of the ns-3 Summer of Code– an unpaid internship that we will operate similarly to Google Summer of Code.
ns-3 GSoC students announced
We are pleased to announce that four students will join the ns-3 project for the 2020 Google Summer of Code!
ns-3 annual meeting (June 17-18) will be a virtual meeting
The ns-3 annual meeting, including the Workshop on ns-3, has been rescheduled to a virtual meeting on the originally scheduled dates of June 17-18, 2020. The meeting will start at 13:00 UTC on each day, and attendance will be free. More details on how to register and connect will be published at a later date.
ns-3 annual meeting to be rescheduled
The ns-3 annual meeting, including the Workshop on ns-3, that was originally scheduled for the week of June 15, 2020 in Gaithersburg, MD, will be rescheduled due to the current world health crisis. Information about rescheduling will be posted at a later date.
ns-3 selected for Google Summer of Code
We are pleased to again be selected for Google Summer of Code, our 11th year in the program. Student applications are due by March 31. More information about ns-3 and GSoC can be found on our wiki page.
Google Code-In awardees announced
Google has announced ns-3’s winners for the Google Code-In 2019 contest, and they are Aditya Vardhan Singh and Kartik Agarwala. The winners will receive a trip later this year to Google headquarters. We also wish to recognize our runners up Sai Putravu and Stanislaw Howard, and our finalists Jackson Lewis and Peter Terpstra. The students amazed us with their work in the contest.
Google Code-In Wrap-up
The seven-week Google Code-In 2019 contest wrapped up today, with 292 tasks successfully completed by 42 students. Thanks are due to Mohit Tahiliani for leading ns-3’s effort, for the many mentors who guided the work, and to the many student contributors whose efforts will be folded into ns-3.
WNS3 dates and venue announced
The project will be holding its annual meeting during the week of June 15, 2020, in Gaithersburg, MD, hosted by NIST. The Workshop on ns-3 Call for Papers is posted; the paper submission deadline is February 16, 2020.
ns-3 GSoC program concludes
Four students successfully completed Google Summer of Code with the ns-3 project:
- Tommaso Zugno, Integration of the 3GPP TR 38.901 channel model in the ns-3 spectrum module
- Liangcheng Yu, Framework of Studying Flow Completion Time Minimization for Data Center Networks in ns-3
- Mishal Shah, Improving the ns-3 AppStore and linking with bake
- Apoorva Bhargava, TCP Testing and Alignment Thanks to both the students and mentors for their efforts. A project summary of each project can be found here.
ns-3.30 released
The ns-3.30 release is now available, due to contributions from twenty-eight authors. ns-3.30 is the first mainline release in nearly a year, and contains refactoring and enhancements of the wifi and lte modules to support the emerging models (under current development) of 802.11ax and 5G NR, respectively. The following additional features may be found in the release:
- Radio Link Failure (RLF) functionality for LTE is now supported.
- Cobalt queue disc model for traffic control
- Wi-Fi preamble detection can now be modelled and is enabled by default.
- 802.11ax spatial reuse features are now supported.
Annual meeting wrapup
Fifty-three attendees met at the University of Florence from June 17-21 for the 11th annual Workshop on ns-3, ns-3 training sessions, and Workshop on Next-Generation Wireless Networks with ns–3. The meeting was organized by the ns-3 Consortium, which held its annual plenary meeting on June 20. The Workshop on ns-3 featured ten paper presentations and several demo, poster, and work-in-progress talks on Wednesday, at which a team from University of Padova accepted the award for best paper regarding a QUIC module for ns-3. Next year’s annual meeting is planned for North America (site and date TBD).
ns-3 GSoC students announced
We are pleased to announce that four students will join the ns-3 project for the 2019 Google Summer of Code! Congratulations to those students selected, and thank you to the selection committee and especially to our volunteer mentors who will be overseeing the projects.
ns-3 in ESA Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program
The ns-3 project has been selected to participate in the 2019 edition of the European Space Agency (ESA) Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program. This marks the sixth year that ns-3 has been selected for SOCIS. Eligible students may apply by May 4 to one of three space networking projects; more information is found on the ns-3 SOCIS page.
Registration for ns-3 annual meeting now open
The project will be holding its annual meeting during the week of 17 June in Florence, Italy. Registration is now open for ns-3 training, the Workshop on ns-3, and the Workshop on Next-Generation Wireless in ns-3.
ns-3 selected for Google Summer of Code
We are pleased to again be selected for Google Summer of Code, our tenth year in the program. Student applications are due on April 9. More information about ns-3 and GSoC can be found on our wiki page.
Google Code-In winners announced
Google has announced ns-3’s winners of the 2018 Google Code-In 2018 contest, and they are Parth Pratim and barteche, with honorable mention to finalists Asanali, Parth Pandya, sikfeng, and Victor Hu. The winners will receive a trip this year to Google HQ.
ns-3 book in Chinese released
Longtime ns-3 contributor Dizhi Zhou has authored a new ns-3 book in Chinese; the English name of the book is “Open Source Network Simulator ns-3 - Architect and Practice”.
Google Code-In Wrap-up
The seven-week Google Code-In 2018 contest wrapped up today, with 380 tasks successfully completed by 46 students. Thanks are due to Mohit Tahiliani for leading ns-3’s effort, for the many mentors who guided the work, and to the many student contributors whose efforts will be folded into ns-3.
ns3-gym - App for RL released
We are pleased to announce the release of the ns3-gym application in the ns-3 App Store, enabling ns-3 to be integrated with OpenAI Gym, and hence turn it into a playground for Reinforcement Learning in networking research.
ns-3 App Store Launched
We would like to announce the general availability of the ns-3 App Store. The app store will organize information about the availability of extensions to the main ns-3 releases, starting with the current ns-3.29 release. The main page has more information about getting started with the app store.
ns-3 selected for Google Code-In
We were pleased to learn today that ns-3 has been selected as a mentoring organization for Google Code-In (GCI) 2018. This is our project’s first time with this programming contest. Mohit Tahiliani will lead a team of mentors designing and evaluating programming tasks relating to coding, documentation, training, outreach, research, quality assurance, and design. More information can be found on our wiki.
ns-3.29 released
The ns-3.29 release is dedicated to the memory of project co-founder George Riley. Contributions from thirty-two authors led to the ns-3.29 release, featuring the following additions:
- An HTTP model based on a 3GPP reference model for HTTP/1.1
- A priority queue disc (PrioQueueDisc) for the traffic control module
- A model for the TCP Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR) recovery algorithm
Google Summer of Code wrapup
Google Summer of Code has formally concluded and we are happy to announce that all five of our students have passed and completed part or all of their proposed projects. Once ns-3.29 is released, we will move towards merging or making available their contributions, and in some cases, the students are continuing the project. Below are brief summaries and links to their work.
ns-3.28.1 released
A minor release of ns-3.28, numbered ns-3.28.1 was posted on August 16, 2018, mainly to address some build issues with Fedora 28. The API scanning process has also been further automated. The release is available here.
Annual meeting wrapup
Over 60 authors, students, and ns-3 maintainers met at NITK Surathkal from June 11-15 for the 10th annual Workshop on ns-3, training sessions, and a brief educational workshop hosted by the workshop general chair, Mohit Tahiliani. The meeting is organized by the ns-3 Consortium, which held its annual plenary meeting on June 14. The Workshop on ns-3 featured eleven paper presentations on Wednesday, from which Amina Sljivo accepted the award for best paper regarding the extension of the ns-3 802.11ah module, and nine poster and demo presentations the following morning. Prof. Bhaskaran Raman, IIT Bombay, opened the workshop with a keynote on “Smart Classrooms: Technology-Aids for Effective Teaching and Learning.” The meeting later toured the Center for System Design (CSD) at NITK Surathkal courtesy of Prof. K. V. Gangadharan, and representatives from Arista Networks and Criterion Networks presented talks. Next year’s annual meeting is planned for June 2019 in Florence, Italy.
George Riley, In Memoriam
On June 20, 2018, ns-3 project co-founder George Riley passed away from cancer. George was intimately involved in ns-3’s early development, both directly and through his students.
ns-3.28 released
ns-3.28 was released on 22 March 2018 and features the following additions:
Google Summer of Code 2018
ns-3 is excited to have been selected to the 2018 edition of Google Summer of Code.
WNS3 2018
The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) is a one and one-half day workshop to be held on June 13-14, 2018, hosted by the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal, Mangalore, India.
ns-3.27 released
ns-3.27 was released on 12 October 2017 and features the following significant changes.
ns-3 in ESA Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program
The ns-3 project has been selected to participate in the 2017 edition of the European Space Agency (ESA) Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program. This marks the fifth consecutive year that ns-3 has been selected. Our 2017 student is Pasquale Imputato, a PhD student in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. Pasquale aims to improve the emulation capabilities of the simulator by the introduction of netmap in ns-3. netmap is a fast packet processing technique that bypasses the host networking stack and allows direct network device access. More information on Pasquale’s project is found on his wiki page.
ns-3 participating in SOCIS 2017
ns-3 has been invited to participate in the 2017 edition of ESA Summer of Code in Space. This summer coding program is intended to improve space-related open source software. Interested students must submit an application through the form available at the above link, by 31 May.
ns-3 GSoC students announced
We’re pleased to announce that we have been awarded and have selected five student projects for the 2017 edition of Google Summer of Code. The students and projects selected are:
Call for participation
The ns-3 annual meeting will be held from June 12-14, 2017, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal. The first day will feature ns-3 training, and the annual Workshop on ns-3, held on Tuesday and Wednesday, will include eighteen paper presentations and a poster/demo session. The annual meeting of the ns-3 Consortium will wrap up the meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday June 14.
Google Summer of Code 2017
ns-3 is participating in GSoC 2017! We were happy to learn today that we will be participating in the 2017 Google Summer of Code. This program is a great opportunity for students to learn a bit about software engineering and open source projects, and for our project community to grow. Interested students are encouraged to interact with the project through the main project mailing list,, and to review our wiki. Students will have until April 3 to develop a project proposal and submit it to Google.
WNS3 submission deadline extended
The annual Workshop on ns-3, to be held in Porto from June 13-14, 2017, is soliciting paper submissions for a recently extended deadline of 12 February 2017. Please see the call for papers for more information.
ns-3.26 released
ns-3.26 was released on 3 October 2016 and features the following significant changes.
ns-3 SOCIS 2016 student announced
Michael Di Perna has been selected to participate in the 2016 European Space Agency Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS). Michael’s project will focus on optical satellite systems such as planned for the European Data Relay System (EDRS). This is the ns-3 project’s third year of participation in SOCIS.
ns-3 accepted to ESA Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program
The ns-3 project has been selected to participate in the 2016 edition of the European Space Agency (ESA) Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program. This marks the fourth consecutive year that ns-3 has been selected. SOCIS aims at offering student developers stipends to write code for various space-related open source software projects. Through SOCIS, accepted student applicants are paired with a mentor or mentors from the participating projects, thus gaining exposure to real-world software development scenarios. In turn, the participating projects are able to bring in new developers. The students eligibility is explained in the program website. However, the most important part is that they must be studying in an institution in one of the ESA Member States. Note that the eligibility requirement is about the institution, not about the student nationality.
ns-3.25 released
ns-3.25 was released on 24 March 2016 and features the following significant changes.
ns-3 and nanoscale simulations
The IEEE has recently published the IEEE 1906.1™-2015, Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework to establish a common conceptual model and framework for nanoscale communications with biomedical applications. The group has established an ns-3-based simulation framework (also GitHub link) for this field. For more information, please read also this paper.
Workshop on Wireless Network Performance Evaluation
As part of the ns-3 annual meeting, the University of Washington will host a new workshop on Wireless Network Performance Evaluation on Friday June 17. This single-day workshop will immediately follow the annual Workshop on ns-3, and will consist of a series of invited and open-call presentations and a panel discussion concerning the evolution of tools and frameworks for supporting research on wireless networks, including ns-3 and also testbeds and research hardware.
libOS tutorial at netdev 1.1
Hajime Tazaki will give a tutorial on libOS at the upcoming netdev 1.1 conference in Seville. libOS is a generalization of the ns-3 Direct Code Execution framework allowing users to run applications and the Linux networking kernel in ns-3 simulations.
2016 Workshop on ns-3 announced
The NS-3 Consortium is organizing the 2016 edition of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), to be held on June 15-16 2016, at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. The objective of the workshop is to gather ns-3 users and developers, together with networking simulation practitioners and users, and developers of other network simulation tools, to discuss the ns-3 simulator and related activities.
ns-3.24 released
ns-3.24 was released on 15 September 2015. The main new model extension for this release is the addition of 802.11ac Very High Throughput (VHT) physical layer modes for Wi-Fi. This release also includes updates to the Waf build system and initial support for Python 3. The IPv4 ARP cache now supports the manual removal of entries and the addition of permanent entries. The SimpleChannel in the ‘network’ module now allows per-NetDevice blacklists, in order to support hidden terminal testcases. Finally, the release includes about forty bug fixes and small improvements, listed in the RELEASE_NOTES.
Two more summer students announced
In addition to the four students participating in ns-3’s Google Summer of Code program, the project is mentoring two additional summer students. Nikita Akazin is our ESA Summer of Code in Space student and will be working with a mentoring team of Tommaso Pecorella, Jani Puttonen, and Budiato Herman on the topic of satellite channel models. Saswat Mishra is working on a mentored summer project on IP neighbor discovery enhancements.
ns-3.23 released
<a href=>ns-3.23</a> has been released in coordination with DCE version 1.6 and netanim-3.106. The release includes a television transmitter (interference) model, support for geographic to cartesian coordinate conversion, updates to the mesh module to make it more standards-conformant, and several Wi-Fi enhancements mainly related to 802.11n models. The DCE 1.6 version includes a bug fix (Bug 2015) and an internal API update for the Linux kernel (i.e., netanim-3.106 adds support for Qt 5 with gcc (tested up to Qt 5.4). This netanim release also makes an enhancement to the detection of invalid trace files, and for nodes that are rendered with images, the image is now centered on the node’s underlying coordinate.
ns-3 GSoC 2015 students announced
Four student projects have been selected for the 2015 Google Summer of Code program:
National Workshop on ns-3 announced
The Department of Electronics and Communication of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Chemperi is organizing a Two Days National Workshop on “Network Simulator-3“ during April 11-12, 2015. This workshop, open to students, research scholars, and faculty members, is is limited to the first 60 registered participants on a first come, first served basis. Registration fees are posted on the workshop announcement, and boarding and lodging are available.
ns-3 accepted into SOCIS 2015
ns-3 has been selected to participate in the 2015 European Space Agency Summer of Code program. This program is another opportunity for students to participate in open source for the summer, and with this program, all projects should have a connection to space application. The application deadline has not yet been announced. Please note that participation is restricted to students enrolled at universites in selected countries; please see the eligibility criteria. Please subscribe to the ns-developers mailing list and monitor this wiki page for more information.
ns-3 accepted to Google Summer of Code 2015
ns-3 is participating in GSoC 2015! We were happy to learn today that we will be one of 137 organizations participating in the 2015 Google Summer of Code. This program is a great opportunity for students to learn a bit about software engineering and open source projects, and for our project community to grow. Interested students are encouraged to interact with the project through the main project mailing list,, and to review our wiki. Students will have until March 27 to learn about ns-3, develop a project proposal, and submit it to Google.
WNS3 Call for Posters, Demos, Short Talks
The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) invites your participation in the workshop with a short presentation about work-in-progress, a poster presentation, and/or a demo presentation. We are planning to organize events in addition to the regular paper track, to create more opportunities for discussion in the workshop. The call for posters and demonstrations can be found here.
ns-3.22 released
ns-3.22 provides a number of updates related to WiFi support, including MPDU aggregation for WiFi, and new WiFi rate controls. Related to WiFi, the WAVE module (for vehicular networks) adds the channel-access coordination features of IEEE 1609.4, and a comprehensive VANET routing example that includes a Basic Safety Message (BSM) packet generator. Regarding LTE models, in previous releases, the bearer release functionality was only partially supported; a complete release bearer procedure is now implemented. Other details, including a list of all bugs fixed since the last release, can be found in the notes linked from the above page.
2015 Workshop on ns-3 announced
The NS-3 Consortium is organizing the 2015 edition of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), a one day workshop to be held on May 13, 2015, at CTTC in Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain. The objective of the workshop is to gather ns-3 users and developers, together with networking simulation practitioners and users, and developers of other network simulation tools, to discuss the ns-3 simulator and related activities.
DCE demonstration at ACM MSWiM
A team from INRIA, France and the University of Tokyo presented a Direct Code Execution (DCE) demonstration at the 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) in Montreal on September 22. Entitled “Realistic Evaluation of Kernel protocols and Software Defined Wireless Networks with DCE/ns-3,” the demonstration showcased two main scenarios: (1) a basic example describing how to integrate in DCE the Data Center TCP (DCTCP) Linux kernel patch, and then how to customize this protocol and run it on different scenarios; and (2) a more advanced use case demonstrating how to benefit from DCE to build a rich and realistic evaluation environment for Software Defined Wireless Networks based on Open vSwitch and the NOX SDN controller. DCE is a framework enabling the execution of real application and Linux kernel code within an ns-3 simulation context, allowing for a high degree of implementation realism and debugging capabilities. Full support for SDN is planned for the next DCE release.
ns-3.21, DCE-1.4 released
ns-3.21 was released on 17 September 2014 and DCE-1.4 on the following day. For ns-3, several modules have been extended in this release. The LTE module features support for Frequency Reuse algorithms, and also support for the transport of the S1-U, X2-U and X2-C interfaces over emulated links in real-time emulation mode. The Internet module includes new support for a CoDel queue model and support for TCP Timestamps and Window Scale options. Improvements to the energy modeling of Wifi (sleep mode) and a general energy harvesting model were added. In the network module, a new Packet Socket application and helper were added, and the SimpleNetDevice and channel models extended, to facilitate traffic generation and protocol testing without a dependence on the Internet module. In addition, the RELEASE_NOTES list the many bugs fixed and small improvements made.
Completion of SOCIS project
In addition to Google Summer of Code, the ns-3 project was able to mentor a summer student project in the ESA Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program. Natale Patriciello, mentored by Tommaso Pecorella, added new Satellite-friendly TCP flavours to ns-3. During SOCIS ’14, he provided code for TCP CUBIC, Hybla, HighSpeed, and Noordwijk (TCP BIC is being developed following the project). Moreover, he reviewed and expanded the code proposed for TCP Options support, with further work on the Timestamp and Window Scaling options, and test suites for TCP options code. The new TCP features will be extremely beneficial to simulate TCP in high bandwidth-delay product networks, such as satellite links and high-speed optical cables.
Completion of 2014 GSoC projects
Four student projects were successfully completed for the 2014 Google Summer of Code program. The projects accomplished the following:
ns-3.20 released
ns-3.20 was released on 17 June 2014. This release features a new LR-WPAN model providing initial support for IEEE 802.15.4 networks, and integration with the previously released SixLowPan (6LoWPAN) module. A new IPv6 routing protocol (RIPng) model has been added, and support within the Flow Monitor for IPv6 has been added. A new LTE MAC downlink scheduling algorithm named Channel and QoS Aware (CQA) Scheduler is provided by the new CqaFfMacScheduler object. In addition, the RELEASE_NOTES list the many bugs fixed and small improvements made.
ns-3 SOCIS 2014 student announced
Natale Patriciello has been selected to participate in the 2014 European Space Agency Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS). Natale’s project will focus on TCP improvements for satellite and space environments. This is the ns-3 project’s second year of participation in SOCIS.
Wrap-up of ns-3 annual meeting
The project held its annual meeting from May 5-9, 2014, hosted by Georgia Tech (Atlanta GA), and attended by roughly thirty people. The first two days were devoted to ns-3 training organized by the ns-3 Consortium, covering an overview of the simulator, with specific focus on ns-3 tracing, WiFi and LTE models, distributed simulations, emulation, and Direct Code Execution. The 6th annual Workshop on ns-3 was held on 7 May, featuring eight paper presentations, five posters, and a keynote talk. On Thursday May 8, the annual meeting of the ns-3 Consortium was held (minutes posted here), followed by one and a half days of developer discussions (minutes posted here).
ns-3 accepted to SOCIS 2014
ns-3 has been selected to participate in the 2014 European Space Agency Summer of Code program. This program is another opportunity for students to participate in open source for the summer, and with this program, all projects should have a connection to space application. The application deadline is May 15. Please note that participation is restricted to students enrolled at universites in selected countries; please see the eligibility criteria. Please subscribe to the ns-developers mailing list and monitor this wiki page for more information.
ns-3 GSoC 2014 students announced
Four student projects have been selected for the 2014 Google Summer of Code program:
WNS3 program announced
The program for the upcoming annual Workshop on ns-3 has been finalized and posted on the workshop web page. The Workshop, held on May 7 2014 in Atlanta GA, features a keynote address by Prof. Ellen W. Zegura, eight regular paper presentations, and five poster presentations. Registration details can be found here.
ns-3 at SIMUTools 2014
At the seventh edition of the annual SIMUTools international conference, two papers and a poster were presented that described new ns-3 models, and two posters and a paper used ns-3 in their work. The conference program is posted here.
ns-3 accepted to GSoC 2014
Our project was pleased to learn today that we will be one of 190 organizations participating in the 2014 Google Summer of Code. This program is a great opportunity for students to learn a bit about software engineering and open source projects, and for our project community to grow. Interested students are encouraged to interact with the project through the main project mailing list,, and to review our wiki. Students will have until March 21 to learn about ns-3, develop a project proposal, and submit it to Google.
ns-3 training registration announced
The ns-3 Consortium will offer two days of user training on May 5-6, 2014 in Atlanta GA as part of its annual meeting, immediately preceding the Workshop on ns-3 on May 7. The two days of training, taught by several ns-3 maintainers, will be organized around the basic simulator on Monday and more advanced topics and extensions on Tuesday. A portion of each day will be reserved for interactive Q&A and guidance from the instructors, allowing deeper treatment of topics of particular interest. Additional details are available here and registration can be made here.
WNS3 Call for Posters and Demos
The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) invites your participation in the workshop with a short presentation about work-in-progress, a poster presentation, and/or a demo presentation. We are planning to organize events in addition to the regular paper track, to create more opportunities for discussion in the workshop. The call for posters and demonstrations can be found here.
SCTP support added to ns-3 DCE
Support for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) has been added to the ns-3 Direct Code Execution (DCE) framework. SCTP is an alternative transport protocol to TCP, heavily studied in the research community and supported by many vendors. With this upgrade (announced here) Linux SCTP kernel implementation is now enabled (made available at the DCE API) for ns-3 DCE users.
2014 Workshop on ns-3 announced
The NS-3 Consortium is organizing the 2014 edition of the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), a one day workshop to be held on May 7, 2014, on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta GA. The objective of the workshop is to gather ns-3 users and developers, together with networking simulation practitioners and users, and developers of other network simulation tools, to discuss the ns-3 simulator and related activities.
ns-3.19 released
ns-3.19 was released on 20 December 2013. This release features LTE model extensions to UE measurements and improved handover algorithm models, and a new WiFi extension for vehicular simulation support to realize an IEEE 802.11p-compliant device. A new IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) model is available, intended in the future to enable IPv6 over sensor network models. A new FixedRoomPositionAllocator has been added to the buildings module. It allows one to generate a random position uniformly distributed in the volume of a chosen room inside a chosen building. Also regarding LTE, the code of LteMiErrorModel has been optimized, resulting in a significantly lower execution time of the LTE model when used with the error model enabled. A new parallel scheduling algorithm based on null messages, a common parallel DES scheduling algorithm, has been added. The null message scheduler has better scaling properties when running on some scenarios with large numbers of nodes since it does not require a global communication. Finally, some patches were added to facilitate easier use of ns-3 with the mininet emulator.
ns-3 workshop at NITK, Surathkal
The Wireless Information Networking Group (WiNG) at NITK, Surathkal will host a Workshop on Network Simulation using ns-3 on December 7-8, 2013. For more information about the workshop, please visit the web site or write to or
ns-allinone-3.18.2 released
An update to the ns-3.18 release, numbered ns-allinone-3.18.2, has now been posted at
ns-3.18.1 released
An update to the ns-3.18 release, numbered ns-3.18.1, has now been posted at
ns-3 at ACM MSWiM
Researchers from CTTC, the University of Tokyo, and INRIA will be presenting new ns-3 capabilities at the upcoming 16th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) in Barcelona on November 3-8.
Google Summer of Code wrapup
On behalf of the ns-3 project and mentoring team, we’d like to congratulate our two students, Junling Bu and Budiarto Herman, for a job well done this year with Google Summer of Code (GSoC).
ns-3 SOCIS student announced
Dizhi Zhou has been selected to participate in the 2013 European Space Agency Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS). A student at the University of New Brunswick, Dizhi also successfully completed an ns-3 project on LTE MAC scheduling in the 2012 Google Summer of Code. Dizhi’s project will focus on an implementation of the DTN bundle protocol. This is the ns-3 project’s first year of participation in SOCIS.
DCE 1.1 released
Version 1.1 of the Direct Code Execution (DCE) environment was released on September 1. Compatible with the ns-3.18 release, DCE 1.1 adds a few new features:
numerous bug fixes
ns-3.18 release
The ns-3.18 release has now been posted at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory joins the NS-3 Consortium
We’re pleased to announce that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has joined the NS-3 Consortium as its first regular Consortium Member. LLNL is actively working on improving the ns-3 core, particularly for parallel simulations, and has published on this work in recent SIMUTools and WNS3 conferences.
ns-3 accepted into SOCIS
ns-3 has been accepted to the 2013 edition of the European Space Agency Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program. The program is inspired by the Google Summer of Code program, but with a space-based theme. Student applications are due on August 4, 2013. Please visit the ns-3 project ideas page.
Georgia Tech joins the NS-3 Consortium
We’re pleased to announce that the Georgia Institute of Technology has joined the NS-3 Consortium as an Executive Member. Dr. George Riley, one of the founders of the open source project, has joined the Steering Committee. Georgia Tech has actively supported ns-3 since the project’s inception in many ways, including financial support, project infrastructure, and significant software contributions.
ns-3 GSoC students announced
The ns-3 project and Google Summer of Code today accepted the applications of students Junling Bu and Budiarto Herman to participate in the 2013 Google Summer of Code.
ns-3.17 released
The ns-3.17 release has now been posted at
ns-3 accepted to GSoC 2013
Our project was pleased to learn today that we will be one of 177 organizations participating in the 2013 Google Summer of Code. This program is a great opportunity for students to learn a bit about software engineering and open source projects, and for our project community to grow. Interested students are encouraged to interact with the project through the main project mailing list,, and to review our wiki. Students will have until May 3 to learn about ns-3, develop a project proposal, and submit it to Google.
Wrap-up of ns-3 activities in Sophia and Cannes
The project had several days of activities in the south of France, March 4-8, 2013. The first day was devoted to the first annual meeting of the ns-3 Consortium. Materials for these talks and tutorials are available here. The 5th annual Workshop on ns-3 was held in Cannes, France on 5 March, at the SIMUTools conference site. Slides from these talks will be posted shortly. Finally, a productive three-day developers meeting was held at Inria, and meeting notes are available here.
CTTC and INESC Porto join the NS-3 Consortium
We’re pleased to announce two new Executive Members of the NS-3 Consortium: the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) and the INstituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto). Both institutions have a strong history of supporting ns-3 over several years. CTTC, in partnership with Ubiquisys, has led the development of the ns-3 Long Term Evolution (LTE) simulation model, and the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit at INESC initially funded Gustavo Carneiro’s ns-3 development activities, and continues to perform wireless research involving ns-3. The Steering Committee will expand to include Dr. Nicola Baldo (CTTC) and Prof. Manuel Ricardo (INESC).
WNS3 2013 preliminary program posted
Preliminary program for WNS3 2013 has been posted on the website.
Call for posters and demos: Workshop on ns-3 2013
Dear ns-3 user, contributors and developers,
Announcing the NS-3 Consortium
As part of long-term planning for the continued growth and sustainment of ns-3 and related tools, INRIA and the University of Washington have formed a consortium, separate but in support of the open source project. The consortium is mainly intended to raise funding for the project, but also to provide some guidance and organizational support for administrative issues and related matters.
WNS3 2013 accepted papers announced
List of accepted papers for WNS3 2013 has been posted on the website.
NetAnim 3.103
NetAnim (Version 3.103) was bundled with ns-3.16. It is also available via mercurial by using:”hg clone”. The release notes are available at Release Notes. For more details refer the wiki page.
ns-3.16 released
The ns-3.16 release has now been posted at
WNS3 2013 Call for Papers
The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) is a one day workshop held in conjunction with the sixth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2013). The workshop will be held on Tuesday March 5, 2013, in Cannes, France. The objective of the workshop is to gather ns-3 users and developers, together with networking simulation practitioners and users, and developers of other network simulation tools, to discuss about the ns-3 simulator and related activities.
Google Summer of Code 2012 Wrap-up
We’re happy to announce that all three of our Google Summer of Code projects have received passing evaluations. At the end of the summer, we asked mentors of each project to provide summaries of their respective students’ contributions over the summer, each of which is listed below.
ns-3.15 released
ns-3.15 was released on August 29, 2012. ns-3.15 is mainly a maintenance release. The following changes have been made since ns-3.14:
ns-3.14 released
ns-3.14 was released on June 5, 2012. A significant amount of work went into the ns-3.14 release on several fronts:
Google Summer of Code 2012: List of Accepted Students Announced
The Google Summer of Code 2012 results are out, and we’re happy to announce that we have the following three students who will be working with us over the summer:
ns-3 and GSOC 2012
The project is excited to have been selected to participate in the 2012 edition of the Google Summer of Code. We are looking forward to mentoring a few students on projects that will develop code for the simulator. Between now and April 6, interested students are encouraged to develop project proposals for submission to Google. We have provided a lot of information about how to get involved on our wiki, including an ideas page, guides for students and mentors, and a student application template.
WNS3 2012 Program Announced
The preliminary program for WNS3 2012 is now available. The event is scheduled to happen on the 23rd of March, at Sirmione, Italy.
WNS3 2012 Call for Participation
This is a reminder that the Workshop on ns-3 will be held on March 23, 2012 in Desenzano del Garda, Italy. A single day developers’ meeting follows the workshop.
ns-3.13 released
ns-3.13 is a maintenance-oriented release with an upgrade to the waf build system. The first component from the 2011 ns-3 Summer of Code program, an IPv6 address generator, is included in this release. The spectrum module and TCP models also underwent a significant amount of work during this release cycle, and bug fixes and a full transition to XML based trace file generation were added to NetAnim. Full details are available in the RELEASE_NOTES and CHANGES.html files.
WNS3 2012 Call for Papers
The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) is a one day workshop held in conjunction with the fifth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2012). The workshop will be held on March 23, 2012, in Sirmione, Italy. The objective of the workshop is to gather ns-3 users and developers, together with networking simulation practitioners and users, and developers of other network simulation tools, to discuss about the ns-3 simulator and related activities.
2011 ns-3 Summer of Code wrap up
The 2011 ns-3 Summer of Code (NSoC) has come to an end, with all three of our students having produced code that are being reviewed for merge. We would like to thank everyone from the ns-3 team who contributed project ideas, helped us organise the programme, and support the students with feedback.
MILCOM 2011 session on ns-3
A Thursday, November 10 session at MILCOM 2011 will feature the use of ns-3 in the context of military network research. In this session, Tom Henderson will first provide an overview and brief tutorial of ns-3, followed by a series of presentations. The schedule includes Justin Yackoski (Intelligent Automation, Inc.), who will discuss an interoperability architecture to allow automatic conversion and sharing of radio models among network simulators, Kenneth Renard (ARL), who plans to provide an overview of Mobile Network Modeling Institute (MNMI) activities and their experiences with scalable simulations, and Jeff Ahrenholz (Boeing), who will outline how the CORE network emulator is being integrated with ns-3.
ns-3.12 released
ns-3.12, featuring new support for OS X Lion, is a maintenance-oriented release that also adds a few new features such as fragmentation support for IPv4 and the ability to reuse single-frequency propagation loss models along with the frequency-dependent loss models for the spectrum device and channel modeling framework. Full details are available in the RELEASE_NOTES.
ns-3 at Sigcomm 2011
ns-3 has been used to produce research and educational results being presented at the 2011 ACM Sigcomm Conference being held from 15-19 August.
LTE module: LENA project M1 release
CTTC’s ns-3 developers team announced the Milestone 1 (M1) release of the LTE module developed within the LTE-EPC Network Simulator (LENA) project.
ns-3.11 released
ns-3.11, featuring the addition of support for both the Click Modular Router and OpenFlow Software Implementation Distribution (OFSID), is the latest release of ns-3 and is immediately available for download. With over 35 bug fixes, ns-3.11 also introduces several new user-visible features:
2011 ns-3 Summer of Code
Three students have joined ns-3 for the 2011 ns-3 Summer of Code (NSOC); more details are here.
Workshop on ns-3 presentation materials
The presentation materials for the Workshop on ns-3, held in Barcelona Spain on 25 March 2011, have been uploaded to the wiki. This was the first workshop that included a formal paper track, and the papers will eventually appear in the ACM Digital Library. Special thanks to the technical program chairs Nicola Baldo and Ruben Merz for coordinating a very nice program, and to the technical program committee for reviewing the submissions.
LTE development: first public release of the LENA project
As officially announced in a press release earlier this month, CTTC and Ubiquisys are working together on a LTE simulation model for ns-3. This project is codenamed LENA (LTE/EPC Network simulAtor).
Ubiquisys and CTTC are working together on an LTE simulation framework based on ns-3.
Ubiquisys and CTTC announced a joint effort in the development of a product-oriented LTE simulation framework based on ns-3. Read the official press release here.
Pyviz added to ns-3
As of ns-3.10, Gustavo Carneiro’s pyviz has been added to ns-3. NS-3 PyViz is a live simulation visualizer, meaning that it uses no trace files. It can be most useful for debugging purposes, i.e. to figure out if mobility models are what you expect, where packets are being dropped, etc. There’s also a builtin interactive python console that can be used to debug the state of the running objects. Although it is mostly written in Python, it works both with Python and pure C++ simulations.
ns-3 developers meeting
A face-to-face developers meeting is planned for end of March, collocated with Simutools 2011 and WNS3 2011, in Barcelona, Spain. The list of topics and attendees is maintained in the wiki.
Release 3.10
Release 3.10
Call for Papers: Workshop on ns-3, 25 March 2011, Barcelona
The WNS3’11 workshop will be collocated with SIMUTOOLS. Authors interested in submitting a paper should consult the Call for Papers
Release 3.9
Release 3.8
Four students join ns-3 for 2010 Google Summer of Code; more details here
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Release 3.6
Release 3.5
Release 3.4
Release 3.3
Release 3.2
Release 3.1
The first ns-3 stable release