This ns-3 release is dedicated to the memory of project co-founder George Riley.
ns-3.29 was released on September 4, 2018. ns-3.29 includes the following new features:
- An HTTP model based on a 3GPP reference model for HTTP/1.1
- A priority queue disc (PrioQueueDisc) for the traffic control module
- A model for the TCP Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR) recovery algorithm
- A node position allocator that rejects positions that are located within buildings defined in the scenario
Finally, the release includes numerous bug fixes and small improvements, listed in the RELEASE_NOTES.
- The latest ns-3.29 release source code can be downloaded from here
- What has changed since ns-3.28? Consult the changes page.
- The documentation is available in several formats from here.
- Errata containing late-breaking information about the release can be found here
- A patch to upgrade from ns-3.28.1 to the updated ns-3.29 can be found here