ns-3.42 was released on May 29, 2024, due to contributions from twenty-four authors. The main feature addition was support for the 3GPP 38.311 Non-Terrestrial Networks channel model, including a new circular aperture antenna model described in that channel model, and a mobility model supporting geocentric positions and conversion to topocentric coordinate systems. The LR-WPAN and Wi-Fi modules also made numerous small feature improvements and bug fixes, including a new trace helper for tracing Wi-Fi reception outcomes. Improvements to the TCP BBR and Cubic models were also published, among many additional improvements and bug fixes listed in the RELEASE_NOTES and CHANGES files.


The ns-3.42 release download is available from this link. This download is a source archive that contains some additional tools (bake, netanim) in addition to the ns-3.42 source. The ns-3 source code by itself can also be checked out of our Git repository by referencing the tag ‘ns-3.42’.


The documentation is available in several formats from this link.

  • What has changed since ns-3.41? Consult the changes and RELEASE_NOTES pages.
  • Errata containing any late-breaking information about the release can be found here
  • A patch to upgrade from ns-3.41 to ns-3.42 can be found here